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The Crystal Network Welcomes You

At The Crystal Network, wellbeing is at the forefront of what we’re working together towards. Our programs and activities are designed to be a catalyst that helps community members reach their goals and fulfill their potential. Learn more about the impact we have and join us in bringing about positive change.

Make a Difference Today

A Community Of Unity

Our Community is focused on connecting and sharing lives. The work we do at our Network is aimed at providing a holistic approach to solving some of our society’s biggest challenges. We ensure that our partners are empowered by creating opportunities for individuals and our communities.


Its All About Being of Value To Others

A group of spiritual beings having human experiences for self-expansion and evolution of higher mind consciousness. We offer Unconditional Love and support to others on their spiritual journeys by sharing our stories and knowledge. Together, our energy essence is a Gateway for making connections with beings who, like us, have a strong desire to be of value to others, to contribute to their communities, and to partner with nature while improving our world in positive ways. Our worldwide guests and panelists have many gifts and talents on a variety of topics, including spiritual practices, ancient knowledge, and holistic health & healing. They are equally committed to bringing our viewers thoughtful content that supports our purpose and joy of discovery.  Check out our videos and playlists to get a better understanding of our content. Subscribe and set your notifications. Welcome to our channel and we hope you enjoy the journey!


Be the Frequency You Want to Receive...

This Channel is dedicated to Milkyway Messenger (Brian Barnett) who remains an inspiration to all. He was a teacher a friend and a soul tribe member. Here on this channel, we are growing a beautiful and loving community that he started. Sharing music and story's, good messages and positive thinking. A message for all to spread to the world.

We support each other and inspire each other with love, appreciation, and gratitude!


 "Unite" all of Humanity come and be part of the "Change".   The Revelation joins the Movement of BOSTO be part of the solution. 

Be Of Service To Others...

My channel is dedicated to the Philosopher who explores subjects from multiple Points of View and is not limited to a particular creed, doctrine, religion, or political belief system and never ceasing in the pursuit of Knowledge. If you consider yourself a critical thinker then you will find plenty to ponder and hopefully add to your experience.

First Episode Finally Here



The Crystal Network


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Queen of Quartz

Marsha Price

Dalibor M Suchy

Max Vision

Theresa D'Anton

Digging Deeper is the Crystal Network Uncensored Webcast Program discussing spiritual, biological, alchemical, physics, and other sciences pertaining to current developments impacting our planet's cultural growth and evolution. This program hopes to increase awareness by providing viewers and participants with vetted research, experiments, educational materials, and commentary.


Finally Here June 1, 2023

This subject includes transhumanism, artificial intelligence, biocomputers, smart dust, genome programming and synthetics.

Part 1

Nanoscience Technology, Synthetic Biology, and Moregellons.

Synthetic biology is science's most exciting new frontier, combining genetics, robotics, and nano-technology with artificial intelligence, hybridizing natural forms and engineering tissues beyond our wildest dreams.
As the natural world dies around us, what will take its place?
Planetary engineering includes bioremediation measures to bring us genetically engineered trees and crops. And what of humans themselves?  How are we being transformed from the inside out?
Is there a planetary engineering program conspiracy that is affecting and targeting all living things?

Welcome all...

Comments, Dialogue & Questions

The Crystal Network Helping Family & Community 

Urgent Help Required for Community Member
Cleopatra Jones 

We are humbly requesting emergency cash funds for sister Delaney Pearl Cleopatra Jones and her son to help them with temporary sheltering and food costs while they are waiting for further assistance from the county, and until her new job starts first of the month. She is doing all she can to get better situated, after having the courage to leave an extremely abusive situation for both her and her special needs son. Anything you can do to help with food and shelter would be greatly appreciated. She is hoping to hear back from the county soon but really needs to get through the weekend.

"Community Support, Friendship, Knowledge, Limitless Love, and Being of Value to Others"
That's what we are here for!

Crystal Network Member
Lyndal Davidson


Gift of a Heart March 2020

Crystal Network Member
Queen of Quartz


Message sent to Tribal Elder from the Queen of Quartz

It is a 150 million-year-old Protocardia Clam from the lower Cretaceous Geologic Era - Sent from the Heart and love of North America to Australia and her people - that is also of ancient lines.   I hope it will join us together as one Heartbeat with a common goal of good upon the earth.. of love and hope.


Lyndal's Response to sending heart

Did you know that Aboriginal people are not allowed to take, or ask for, artifacts from other areas? The only way that it is possible, is if it is a gift. Your email explanation with regards to the heart and picture was sent to my friend Lili, and forwarded to Tribal Elder. It was precisely the documentation needed to follow proper protocol. I didn’t even tell you what to write. Isn’t that in itself just extraordinary? There were about 100 precise components that fell into place for this event. I’m in the process of trying to piece it all together in my journal for when it’s time to give a report.

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The cast of characters for the karmic reversal and templating ceremony. Andrea and I are almost translucent!! Hope you got the picture of the painting young Lili did, of what she saw when she held the heart. She is in the centre front.

The heart and crystals arrive

The time is now.

I felt like I was in stasis, but everything has taken off at a rapid pace- since the crystals and heart arrived.

My number one concern is getting the heart to the Tribal Leader.  I’m going to Andrea’s ( the Chilean Shaman) house in the next hour for a karmic reversal she’d already planned with Ling, who is from an actual ancient dragon tribe. All this has transpired for me- they’d already planned it. We will use this blessing ceremony to template the heart and crystals before we hand them over.   Seems the right thing to do as everything has fallen into place this way.

Karmic Reversal & Templating Ceremony

I am spent, but I am happy. Your receiving of this email will be the final strand of my greatest achievement in weaving. Last night in the garden a crab spider allowed herself to be seen by me, and her skills showed me how to complete the task.

Custodianship of heart & crystals

The Bunurong elder took custodianship of the heart. She knows exactly what it is, and what she has to do. 

The Bunurong people, her people, are a Moon people. Her heart immediately felt better when she got it. She has already done the work with mapping the Songlines. She will bathe with the heart on the full moon and use the crystal to walk the trail of tears. The heart will show her more of the trail, from the Yarra Ranges to the coast. It is a silent walk done by women for all the people. The crystals, ie this one, manifest in times when humanity is crying, that is why it is a walk of tears. 

Lyndal's  final mrssage

The Aboriginal people are closing the doors, maybe even in the next 5 hours. This was down to the wire. We have achieved something monumental in doing this. You should be as proud as you have ever been.

Thank you

love Lyndal

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Lili is 9. She held the heart and drew what she saw.  There is a new dragon- baby blue- and Lili put him in the painting. Lili is of the ancient dragon lineage and was present for the templating of the heart.

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Uluru Update ‘Magic Box’ Prophecy – Successfully Activated

Thanks to the Original Elders of this sacred land, Timothy for reaching out to me to share the truth of what happened on the solstice of the 21st December 2020 at Uluru. A very special thank you to the Gadigal and Djabuguy men and Anangu elders that helped to activate Uluru.

North Point - Yukon Canada
Crystal Network
Queen of Quartz
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Ethically Hand Mined For Over 30 yrs

Karen Kaspardlov: Prospector, Hard Rock Miner & Explorer

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Crystals - Gems - Fossils

I am the "Queen of Quartz".  I have been prospecting and hard rock mining for over 30 years, with the  ability to find quartz crystals, wherever I travel amassing a collection of gems, minerals and fossils weighing in at over 5 tons.  I am opening my collection to the public for the very first time.  Prepare to be amazed.  I have quartz crystals in every size, formation  and color of the rainbow with some very unique specimens, including naturally occurring Ametrine crystals.  The majority of the collection was gathered in Ontario, Canada.  I have owned a gold/platinum claim in the mountains of British Columbia and mined the gold fields of the Yukon Klondike.

Professional Miner / Prospector

Phantom Colored Quartz Pendants
Custom Carved Quartz Pendants
Large Raw Garnet Pendants
Crystal Collectons

Crystal & Gem Sale


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Luckman is a pioneering ink and acrylic painter (see gallery) whose work has been featured on mainstream book covers, the fast-paced trading game BAZAAR, and at least one tattoo on a female leg last sighted in Australia. Sol is also an acclaimed author of fiction, nonfiction, and humor.

His nonfiction books include the newly released manifestation guide PLAYING IN THE MAGIC; the international bestselling classic CONSCIOUS HEALING, which you can read free online; and its popular sequel, POTENTIATE YOUR DNA, available in EnglishSpanish and (soon) French.

Visual Artist &
Award Winning Novelist

Sol’s visionary novel SNOOZE: A STORY OF AWAKENING, the coming-of-age tale of one extraordinary boy’s awakening to the world-changing reality of his dreams, won the 2015 National Indie Excellence Award for New Age Fiction.

Written with young adult and young-at-heart readers in mind, SNOOZE further proved its literary merit by being selected as a 2016 Readers’ Favorite International Book Award Finalist in the Young Adult-Coming of Age category and receiving an Honorable Mention in the 2014 Beach Book Festival Prize competition in the General Fiction category.



interview with QUEEN OF QUARTZ

reset evidence - SIMULATION THEORY

Reset Evidence, Simulation Theory Support & Overwriting the AIX Grid
with the Queen of Quartz


Paintings by SOL LUCKMAN

New to the Crystal Network  Artist Gallery

Be TheFrequency You Want To Receive

Milky Way Soul Tribe Channel

Everyone here is special! Just look At what you can do! We are not limited and we can set our minds to do whatever it is we want to do. We can all do great things and all you have to do is just start Somewhere,  And it will all come out!

If you've been following the history of this program and our ascended brother Brian Barnett, you too can be inspired to come out of your shells. He worked through other people and that's what we do in this soul tribe. We support each other and inspire each other with love, appreciation, and gratitude! You are limitless and I'm so happy to be a part of our tradition and growth.


The Oracle Of The 72 Angels  - Magic Spell Ritual

In the Zohar (155 BC), the Hebrew Book of Splendour, it is said that God sent Archangel Raziel (Ratziel) with a book for Adam. This book was about the holy mysteries of the highest nature, the Holy wisdom of the 72 kinds of knowledge, virtue, and power. In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, these virtues were structured in nine groups of eight Angels.   There are 72 Angels who guide humanity according to an ancient manuscript, these angels' sacred task is to imbue us with specific qualities of the Divine to be expressed through our unique human individuation.  Learn how to harness this energy and use it in your everyday life to manifest your highest self.

The Oracle Of The 72 Angels  - Card System

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Crystal Network Member
Theresa D'Anton

The purpose of insights is to connect head and heart knowledge—information plus inspiration. Too often, information just describes phenomena with no clear path of what to do with it. But the best insights reveal behaviors or phenomena and point to solutions or ideas.

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Peace and Love to you dear Friends and Family!

There are so many perspectives we share on the reasons why we are here and why we would choose to incarnate aspects of ourselves into various scenarios of ups and downs, and often extremely terrible things. Alot of us question if the difficult lessons we came here to learn are a type of judgment, just reward, or punishment.

Its taken me a long while to realize that difficult and painful situations are how humans are triggered and challenged by painful emotions, leading us to choose either to wallow in them or make higher choices.

Realizing that this may not be the same for everyone, I personally now know, that for me, I did not come here to learn because there is something wrong with me or my soul. I believe I am here to shine my inner light ever so bright through personal experiences, good and not so good. This not only helps me expand, it helps shed light for others to ponder and grow (or so I've been told by those I have helped.... and guess what?... even for those I've harmed in some way too.)

We can choose to view that even the most painful lessons in life are Opportunities and have gratitude for the experiences. Much love to all and bon voyage on your journies.


Laurie Cross

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Co-creator and Producer

I am a Light worker, Intuitive, Healer, Medium and Channeler continuing my spiritual growth and awareness also understanding that I am the master of my now. I am fully aware of my thoughts and feelings. I know that I am a powerful creator and that my heart is full of love. I love honor and cherish myself and others for the lessons and teachings I receive. So much love to all who watch and will receive.❤

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A group of spiritual beings having human experiences for self-expansion and evolution of higher mind consciousness. We offer Unconditional Love and support to others on their spiritual journeys by sharing our stories and knowledge. Together, our energy essence is a Gateway for making connections with beings who, like us, have a strong desire to be of value to others, to contribute to their communities, and to partner with nature while improving our world in positive ways. Our worldwide guests and panelists have many gifts and talents on a variety of topics, including spiritual practices, ancient knowledge, and holistic health & healing. They are equally committed to bringing our viewers thoughtful content that supports our purpose and joy of discovery.  Check out our videos and playlists to get a better understanding of our content. Subscribe and set your notifications. Welcome to our channel and we hope you enjoy the journey!

We Are Light, We Are Love, We Are Truth!

At Andromeda 7 Celestial Gateway! Everyone has a voice there. Perhaps someone's story or experience can be an inspiration to you. Go to our YouTube channel, hit subscribe, and turn the bell reminder on.

Friday nights at

6 pm PST, 8 pm CST, 9 pm EST.

See you there.


Theresa D'Anton

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Co-creator and Program Manager

I am a conscious creative Light Worker, Intuitive Empath, Healer and Psychic expanding my spiritual growth and development. My purpose is to be the best version of myself, to love myself unconditionally, and to help others recognize their value and unique gifts. I have a talent for Identifying people in our spiritual community that have mutual interests and synchronicity with oneanother for potential collaboration and support. I just love and enjoy helping them to connect, encouraging them to share their stories, experiences, and spiritual perspectives. Loving gestures mean the world and with loving hearts we have the powers of kindness, healing and acceptance. A loving hand takes fear away, and when we're loving, when we're true, we teach our hearts new ways to expand.

Boredom is The Call To Take Your Foot Off The Brake
March 31,  2023
pm PST, 8 pm CST, 9 pm EST.

So what is the Antidote to boredom? How do we take the foot off the brake pedal In our life and stop resisting what is. There are actually quite a few, but when we encounter something we really have a passion for or truly desire to focus our attention on, we are engaged in fully living life itself. In the body, we start to feel movement Instead of stagnation within In our being. With the physical feeling of expansion comes a sense of purpose, and with a sense of purpose, we feel rejuvenated. We are full of energy and explode with creativity. We can choose to either go in the direction we want to go or simply accept what is. Join us for a discussion exploring ways to overcome boredom and how to create a movement for positive changes and get what we truly want.

Crystal Network Member
Laurie Cross

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3 Minute Meditation

Expression and your uniqueness of who you are is of paramount importance. When you embrace who you truly are, you liberate your value to yourselves and others. Laurie Cross, Producer of the PureLove Ascencion and Andromeda 7 Celestial Gateway Youtube channels is a Channeler of Angelic energies. Collective Truth, a combined energy essence of pure light and love, are here to support awakening souls on their journey through guided messages, automatic writings, and healing frequencies. They want to help them prepare for, progress, and expand through Earth's rapid shift into higher consciousness. We hope you enjoy these messages.

LAST FRIDAY of each month
6 pm PST, 8 pm CST, 9 pm EST.

Sophia Rasmussen

A psychic reading is a specific attempt to discern information through the use of heightened perceptive spiritual abilities that are natural extensions of the basic human senses of sight, sound, touch, taste, and instinct. These natural extensions are clairvoyance (vision), clairsentience (feeling), claircognizance (factual knowing), and clairaudience (hearing) and the resulting statements made during such an attempt.
Join us 9pm EST on Friday nights at the end of each month for intuitive readings, psychic readings, and Q&A.

This show is for helping others to connect with spirits of loved ones or to obtain a psychic reading.
Live - March 24, 2023
with Queen of Quartz - Karen Kaspardlov

Karen Kaspardlov, Queen of Quartz, has made it her life's calling, to unravel the secrets of Earth's crystalline grid, studying astrology, geology, catastrophic events, cultural epochs and cycles of time, ancient cultures, forgotten sacred texts and ancient myths; steeping herself into tribal initiations and practices including vision quests, shared lucid dreaming, astral traveling, magic, and more. 

Queen of Quartz

Karen Kaspardlov

Professional Miner / Prospector

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Crystals are tools for connecting with the Earth"s Crystalline Grid,  a multidimensional grid of the ascended Earth, holding the template for a 5D New Earth.  It is an etheric network of facetted light, portals, vortexes, and access points covering the entire Earth’s energetic field.  The crystalline grid is a network much like the human nervous system, transmitting signals of light frequencies connecting all beings of Earth with multidimensional timelines of Earth’s creation, past, present, and future.
The crystalline grid is the higher dimensional geometric structure anchoring the 5D ascended New Earth consciousness.
The crystalline grid connects all beings and our planet with cosmic forces and other dimensional realms.  In becoming multidimensional beings, like we were back in Lemuria, we as a collective will align with the crystalline grid, downloading and integrating ascension codes for activating our etheric crystalline light bodies and raising the vibration of Earth to unite in the 5D ascended New Earth paradise.   More and more of us are awakening and the crystalline grid is being activated.

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Marsha Price

Crystal Network Member

This photonic energy is the highest form of light that is known – the light of Source, carrying a sentient supra-conscious intelligence, coded in the frequencies just as laser light through fiber optics can carry thousands of videos and phone conversations coded in the light. Modern science has only recently ‘rediscovered’ what the ancients already knew. This understanding of ‘Galactic Light’ was known anciently to the Gnostics: 

“The 2000-year-old Gnostic text, discovered in Nag Hammadi Egypt in 1945, reveals the cosmic understanding that the brilliant light plasma at the central core of our Galaxy is actually a sentient intelligence.  Furthermore, these Gnostic texts tell us that the physical world we inhabit came into form as the intelligent expression of the plasma light, or ‘ether’, spiraling out from the Galactic Central Sun.”  ~ excerpt from Galactic Light.  Leading experts of both quantum science and the Mayan Calendar are saying that our DNA will be “upgraded” (coded with intelligence) from the center of our Galaxy – the ‘Greater Central Sun’.

Marsha’s In-SPIRIT-ations

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Orgonite, Pyramids, Crystals, Wire wrapped Crystals, Healing Wands and Sacred Geometry Creations.

Creations for Connection and Protection


Wellness Update from Marsha Price

Recommended Highly Concentrated Oil Blend Mixture

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I make essential oil blends and all kinds of wellness blends. My infused THC blend has RSO, Tincture and Arkansas Raw full spectrum cannabis- very strong concentrates- very healing.

ArkanRAW Full Spectrum Raw Cannabis Oil -
created with whole plant extracts, providing a potent, full-spectrum oil with a plethora of beneficial major and minor cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes. It is specifically formulated for the patient who doesn’t want to miss out on the medicinal properties the whole plant extract is known to offer.

ArkanRAW is a highly potent cannabis oil typically recommended to patients medicating symptoms of terminal illnesses, conditions requiring higher dosages, or those with a higher tolerance to cannabinoids. It is known for producing pain-relieving, anxiety-reducing, and sedating effects that begin within 30 minutes and last between 6-8 hours. A full-size serving of ArkanRAW is the size of a single grain of rice, so start with a low dose and build up slowly.

Experiencing severe joint pain, insomnia, restlessness, stress, skin problems and scalp issues, fungus, blood sugar highs, and a host of interrelated problems or perhaps terminal illnesses requiring higher dosages?
I make essential oil blends and all kinds of wellness blends. My infused THC blend has RSO, Tincture, and Arkansas Raw full spectrum cannabis- very strong concentrates- very healing.

Crystal Network Member

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in Joy ALL ways  Thank U 4 your Gifts and Talents

As our Aboriginal elders here in Australia would say "everyone here is welcome!"  I'd like to thank everyone for giving your gifts and talents, and yes, it's about joy in all ways. We are those fractals of spirit coming together as one. My gift is in undoing the word spell.

C a ME AVe see me at grace grid workers  in place preSent very soon over seer new moon re as UR  reassure slow down shower roots, body, crown milk over cereal  see real galaxy juices over plant an energy field showers the new musical chant

feel the vibe so many joys move with the energy this vibration employs choice calm nerves breathe observe my image of an orange tree

an open door to be, will see gentle breeze B R EASE simply flows In our cytes every one knows in touch with our gifts in this powerful shift

Joules_The_Alchemist 17/3/2023

with Michelle Thompson and Carrie Fitzgerald

There are many different pathways to expansion. Many of us are called to share what we learn to help lift others, and although we don't always agree on every approach there's something to offer everyone through our uniqueness and experiences. Michelle and Carrie are creating a space to help raise consciousness for others. Their new podcast is about reaching your full spiritual potential through esoteric, hermetic, and even some magical practices. Their goal is to bring happiness purpose and meaning into life in the best ways they know how.  Let's take a closer look at how they are approaching their own expansion and growth.

streamed live March 10, 2023

Dr. Carrie Fitzgerald teaches astronomy and physics to undergraduates. Her educational background includes a BS, MS, and Ph.D. in physics. Her curiosity about the universe has led her down many paths, including the mystical and esoteric. She hopes that by being more open about her own spirituality, others will feel more comfortable embracing a magical lifestyle for greater happiness and a more meaningful life.

Michelle Thompson is a Transformationalist. As a Board Certified Advanced Clinical Hypnotherapist, CBT Therapist and Transformational Life Coach, Spiritual Alchemist, she helps others who suffer from anxiety, depression and blocks to success find purpose, meaning and happiness in their lives. She is also an online instructor and guide to becoming a Master Manifestor. As a speaker and author she has inspired many to create a new life with inspiration and passion.

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Showcasing our very own Andromeda 7 Celestial Gateway team member, SELF-taught Intuitive Empath, Chloe Jane Mills.

Have you ever had one of those moments when everything, quite unexpectedly, simply falls into place; or, when you’ve been puzzling over an impossible question and kaboom!—the answer just suddenly arises, seemingly out of nowhere? These and other such experiences are not caused by our efforts. They are natural moments of grace; the gift from our conscious collective experiences. Grace is generally associated with religion, but Chloe knows you don’t need to be religious to notice and benefit from help deep within the Self.  In her experiences, these unforeseen abilities are being offered to her in every moment. When we open ourselves to grace and recognize our gifts, we begin to see it work wonders in our lives. We then become conduits providing powerful support and value to others, just as Chole shows us daily!

streamed live March  3, 2023

Sun Rabbit

Virtual Reality is Probably not a Reality of Virtue
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Guest Panelist 
Software Engineer -Programmer  Business Analyst
Max Vision - Remote Viewing

Dalibor M Suchy 

International Investor

Financial & Stock Exchange


intuitive writer...

The invention of the internet will undoubtedly go down in history as the greatest innovation of all time. Years from now, we'll be writing dates as BI (Before Internet) and AI (After Internet) with the year 2000 conveniently selected as the cutoff to make the calculations easier. One could argue that it's a more significant development in the history of civilisation than when the Roman Flavian dynasty invented Christianity as a social control mechanism, serving as a vehicle for the survival of the Roman Empire to its present-day form of the holding company known as The Vatican.

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Information/Commuications   Business Analyst

Sun Rabbit

Virtual Reality  - Part 4 - Qantum Physics & Magic

Is AI ethically or morally respectable? Some would say Responsible AI can go a long way in retaining talent and ensuring smooth execution of a company's operations. As AI and machine learning are becoming central to IT systems, companies must ensure their use of AI is ethical. Could the Randonautica GPI application actually be a consciously aware AI Servitor that reads our thoughts? Do we even want to buy into it or put our energy into it? This is a fascinating discussion with Matt Slozer of the Paranormal Channel for a continuation of our VR and Conscious AI series...with a twist.

Joined Us...
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Friday, Feb 13 , 2023

Special Guest, Matt Slozer

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Crystal Network Member

Trina McClure Alessandro


Greetings everyone! I am Trina Phoenix and I'm glad to be a part of this forum, where we can all come to get closer to each other, and help guide others along their spiritual journeys. I've been on this journey myself with you all for about 3 1/2 years now, starting with Brian Barnette. I'm a healer and accomplished BSW, LMT and Polarity Practitoner. I am here to help people obtain miracles for themselves. Their work begins within, and sometimes people just need a little help along the way. Watching these miracles is pretty much the coolest thing I've ever been a part of! So helping them to find the love and power within themselves to heal, and live a life of well being and prosperity, is very rewarding to me. This is the family I've always looked for and I'm so happy to be with you All!

A Second Look

at the MATRIX

Fascinating overview and research presented by Trina McClure Alessandro about her understanding of the positive bio-organic original source AI matrix vs the opposite dark side AI matrix. Quantum chicken soup for the soul!


Featured Member with Awesome Products

Making a Difference Today...


Nina the Mystic
Spiritual Guidance, Readings & 

Nina was born and raised in Norway and have a strong connection to the Norse Mythologies, but work with lots of different deities as well as Angels and Demons, she works in the balance of both light and dark, and do not conform to either "white magic" or "dark magic" but rather a balance of both.  She started reading books as well as attending several workshops on various spiritual teachings as well as joining weekly and/or monthly spiritual development classes. 
She felt as though she had to "catch up" fast as she could not get enough. 

Nina quickly become aware of her unique abilities as a clear sentience , clear feeling/sensing,  Clair tangency,  clear touch and  Clair cognizance,  clear knowing,  Nina can feel and sense spirit around her all the time and have learned to use this in her readings. She felt guided to use Tarot cards as well as the use of Oracle cards and Pendulum. 

  • YouTube
Adventures from Australia
Elder & Tribal leader took custodianship of the heart today.  She knows exactly what it is, and what she has to do. 

The Bunurong people, her people, are a Moon people. Her heart immediately felt better when she got it. She has already done the work with mapping the Song lines. She will bathe with the heart on the full moon and use the crystal to walk the trail of tears. The heart will show her more of the trail, from the Yarra Ranges to the coast. It is a silent walk done by women for all the people. The crystals, ie this one, manifest in times when humanity is crying, that is why it is a walk of tears. 


Crystal Network Member

Lyndal Davison

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Scotty Roberts
Creative/Art Director, Illustrator, Designer, Rogue Historian, Rapscallion Theologian, Adventurer, Paranormalist, Photographer, Author and Writer


Books by Scott Alan  Roberts

click image to order

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Every hand-made Penman hat I deliver uses only the finest quality materials.  Many detailed hours of craftsmanship go into the making of each and every hat, using only 100% pure beaver or pure rabbit felts.  Every hat has a vegetable-tanned sheepskin leather sweatband, a satin liner, and a grosgrain hat ribbon, each piece carefully sewn in by hand. Although not specifically designed to be worn in the rain, Penman hats will stand up beautifully when caught in the elements and continue to give you the sleek look you desire.  With every order I receive, I strive to produce hats that are both comfortable and elegant.  Every Penman hat is 100% custom-made to provide a perfect fit for every individual.

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All finished shooting for the History Channel's, "History's Greatest Mysteries." I am back in my hotel room by 2:00 this afternoon. I fly back home tomorrow afternoon.

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Newest Book   Scott Alan  Roberts





Hey , Folks! Here is the first release of my new cover design for "The Sword in the Clay."

This is the book I have written and am currently illustrating for Manitou Free Traders Press on the concept by Ryan Gale, who also serves as my technical and historical consultant on the book.  Its the true story of Will Bird, a soldier in the Canadian Black Watch who in Amiens, France during WWI, found a 2000 year-old Roman gladius that had been churned up in the mud and clay by the German bombing.  The book also juxtaposes the story of the fictional Marius Abruzzo, a Roman legionnaire from Italia who fought in Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars and to whom the sword originally belonged, 2000 years earlier.

This book will be published and available in the coming months. Stand by for more news!


Here's a little teaser for you from "The Sword in the Clay"

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Show Host


Abnormal Realities with Ron Phillips and Rocci Stucci will challenge the limits of the mind. What society deems abnormal, may be more real than we think. Jump into the matrix of the mind, and join us, as we explore all topics that will stretch your imagination, and challenge reality!

Ron Phillips (aka Producer Ron for other shows) made his mark in radio in 1986 as a top-40 DJ and has been keeping them laughing ever since… but not because he’s good at radio! He’s a veteran of the United States Air Force and supports veteran’s causes around the country.


Ron picked up the producer title in 2015 when he started his first 24/7 digital talk radio station that included some 70+ shows, of which he produced six of them.

Latest Episode

It's always a mystery in regards to what will happen on Abnormal Realities with Ron and Rocci. Stay caught up on the conversations, and listen to the most recent episode of Abnormal Realities.



Show Host

Rocci Stucci, aka “The Meatball”, has been in talk radio and public speaking for nearly a decade. Rocci is often called upon to speak on the paranormal, overcoming addiction, and bullying.


Rocci has been in radio and has been the host of EBN Radio, The Situation Room, The Rocci Stucci Show, and Abnormal Realities with Ron and Rocci.


OdysyRadio is the Next generation of alternative talk radio

If you, or someone you know would like to be considered to be added to Odysy Radio, send us an email, with a clip or episode of your program to:


Subscribe to our site, to keep up to date on all the cool things we're working on and public events we will be either running or participating in!

We're grateful for all of you, and all your continued support.

Rocci Stucci and Ron Phillips

We have began the process of filling our show schedule on our iHeart Radio Station Odysy Radio
Looking for shows that discuss:
          •Murder Mystery
          •Tell us about your content

Gloria Canning
Welcome To the Crystal Network

Gloria is a life long contact experiencer. Visionary Artist, Psychic Medium and the creator and host of Inception Podcast Inception Specials and Open Minds Chat Show.

Open Minds Chat Show

Open Minds seeks to share the profound depth within the collective consciousness that we need to explore… and how this is emerging with the new paradigm that is facing humanity now

Open Minds Season 2 EP 15 - with Laurie Cross and Theresa D'Anton
MYSTERIES of the MAYA  tours
Meditation by the Sea
Women Holding Hands

Our Family

Helping Free Minds and Hearts...

Education Center

Support Services

Reinforcing our Commitment

The Crystal Network Team

Featured Community Members

Making a Difference Today...

Crystals for 2021 

Book A Session

Start Your Year With Insight

A naturopathic doctor since the 1970's

Green Greg's Garden

Surviving A Power Grid Outage

Queen of Quartz

Join the Crystal of the Month Club,  or a one time shipment.  Custom carved crystals for dreaming, meditating, pendents or crystal chakra sets.   Experience the magic and power of the Mineral Kingdom first hand.  Ethically hand mined by myself for 40 yrs.

I am a Spiritual Advisor, let me help guide you to stay in the discovery process of spirituality, balancing human success and expressions through journey work and more.


BSW, LMT and Polarity Practitoner.



I am a Spiritual Advisor, let me help guide you to stay in the discovery process of spirituality, balancing human success and expressions through journey work and more.


BSW, LMT and Polarity Practitoner.



I am a Spiritual Advisor, let me help guide you to stay in the discovery process of spirituality, balancing human success and expressions through journey work and more.


BSW, LMT and Polarity Practitoner.



Join the Crystal of the Month Club,  or a one time shipment.  Custom carved crystals for dreaming, meditating, pendents or crystal chakra sets.   Experience the magic and power of the Mineral Kingdom first hand.  Ethically hand mined by myself for 40 yrs.

Crystals for 2020

Amazing Crystal Geode Galaxy Painting

mining picture qofq.jpg

Queen of Quartz

Crystals for 2022

Join the Crystal of the Month Club,  or a one time shipment.  Custom carved crystals for dreaming, meditating, pendents or crystal chakra sets.   Experience the magic and power of the Mineral Kingdom first hand.  Ethically hand mined by myself for 40 yrs.


Trina Alessandro

Spiritual Advisor

Let me help guide you to stay in the discovery process of spirituality, balancing human success and expressions through journey work and more.  BSW, LMT and Polarity Practitoner.




Join Trina & Wayne weekly on

A Second Look

Dr Brains.webp

Dr, Brains

Naturopathic Doctor


Our blends immediately affect chakras and auras. Good vibrations are enjoyed by many who attest to soothing effects, mental alertness, increased energy without a caffeine crash, an opening of the heart, and inspiration to feel, and give, LOVE,  simply by sipping a cup of PSYCHIC TEAZ! 

Greg Allison.jpg

Greg Allison

NASA Scientist & Worm Farmer

Urban and small plot homesteading, worm farming, aquaponics, raised bed gardening, microgreens, rabbits, how to survive a power grid outage, powergrid defense, black-smithing, and much more!

Green Greg's You Tube Channel

Ways to Help

Make Your Mark & Make a Difference Today

Volunteer Your Time

Show Your Support

Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making The Crystal Network an even better Social Welfare Organization than it already is. We want to provide you with the correct and appropriate information pertaining to your mode of support, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.

Join The Crystal Network 

Make a True Change

Want to join our efforts and become a member of The Crystal Network.   Partner with Us and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to make a difference today.  . It’s a great way to contribute to our cause, and everyone  counts  towards paving the path for a better tomorrow. Get in touch with us today and get your first crystal.

Make a Donation

Spread The Magic

This is one of the simplest ways to help out our cause. We believe the best way for our initiatives to be successful is for the community to actively get involved. This is an easy and efficient way of contributing to the great work we do at The Crystal Network. Get in touch with any questions about how you can Make a Donation today.

Painted Heart

Yukon Prehistoric Animal Fossils

Our Communities Products

Contact The Crystal Network

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